How to visit the sick

It has long been a tradition in society to visit a sick relative, friend or colleague. This is especially important if the sick person is not at home, in his native walls, but in the hospital, which in itself causes him stress. Of course, the visit of a friend or relative should bring the patient only positive emotions and confidence in recovery, therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for visiting the patient. How to visit the sick? Let’s look at this issue in more detail.

How to visit the sick

Before you go to the hospital, check the hours allowed there. Do not neglect them and come not when allowed by the hospital administration, but when it is convenient for you. Most likely, a meeting with a sick relative or friend in this case will not take place at all.

Do not forget that you will need a change of shoes or shoe covers to visit the patient. As a rule, seriously ill people are allowed to go to the ward, but with those who are already successfully on the path of recovery, you can talk in the lobby. If you have to go to the ward, then be sure to take off your outerwear and hand it over to the wardrobe – it is forbidden to enter the department in outerwear.

During the visit, especially if you are in the room, be quiet. Do not engage in discussions with the sick person, their roommates or medical staff.

Naturally, it is impossible to come to a sick person empty-handed. But, before you buy food, do not be too lazy to call the sick person or his relatives and ask them if he is on a diet. If a diet is indicated, then stick to it and do not buy what a sick person cannot. If the diet is not prescribed, then bring the patient juices and fruits. In addition, you can treat the patient to his favorite homemade dish, of course, by prior arrangement. You should not bring a lot of food to the patient – the sick body is simply not able to eat much.

Do not bore your interlocutor with long conversations. In general, it is not recommended to visit a sick person for more than 15-20 minutes, but if this is your close relative who is very happy with your presence, the visit may last a little longer. In the process of communication, do not tell your interlocutor bad news – remember that your visit should bring him only positive emotions.

How to visit the sick

Talk to him about his well-being, give him greetings from his friends and relatives. If this is your colleague, discuss any professional issues with him. This will give him confidence that he is remembered in the team and waiting for his return to work. Let the patient know that no one doubts his recovery. Just do not need to give, for example, statistics that, with his diagnosis, 9 out of 10 people fully recover. The thing is that the psyche of a sick person is selective and, most likely, he will begin to think that he will become the person who could not defeat the disease.

If this is not prescribed by a doctor, and, the doctor did not tell you about this personally, do not bring to the hospital and do not give the patient the medicine. This can lead to the fact that, at best, the patient will have a drug allergy, and at worst – this will generally lead to deplorable consequences when medicine may be powerless.

Do not come to the patient with the whole team or with a crowd of relatives. A sick person is sometimes tiring to communicate even with one visitor. It will be better if you visit the patient alone, or, as possible, a couple.

How to visit the patient correctly

In addition to products, you can take with you to the hospital and transfer to your swollen comrade books or magazines. Only you need to do this, given its preferences. If you don’t know the patient’s literary addictions at all, buy him a collection of crosswords that will help him get distracted from the disease. Just do not give the patient books about his illness. As a rule, such literature is written by doctors and addressed to specialists, so it will be difficult for a sick person who is far from medicine to correctly understand its meaning.

And the last, final advice – before you go on a visit, call the patient and let him know about it. There are cases when sick people, especially women, refuse such visits due to the fact that they do not want to be seen in poor condition.

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