How to choose elliptical exercise machines for home

Many representatives of the fair sex, sometimes find shortcomings in their figure in the form of excess weight. Some prefer constant strict diets, others – engage in physical education, others stop their eyes on simulators. The last option is very convenient, because on simulators you can easily do two useful things at the same time.

How to choose elliptical exercise machines for home

It has become possible to exercise on the simulator at home, while watching TV or listening to your favorite music while exercising. The modern market offers a huge number of simulators that promote weight loss. By what criteria to choose one of the popular exercise machines – elliptical?

Elliptical trainer (ellipsoid) – a more modern invention, but quite effective, especially in the system of burning excess weight.

There are three types of simulators under consideration: mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic. The first one is quite easy to use, starts its work from the efforts of the person training on it. Ideal for beginners, low cost. During its operation, the mechanical ellipsoid makes low noises.

The magnetic ellipsoid in its braking design has a built-in magnet, thanks to which, the movement of the pedals is smooth and soft. It is virtually silent compared to a mechanical one. Its service life is quite long and is somewhere around twenty years. Costs a little more than a mechanical than a mechanical elliptical trainer. Ideal for beginners and fitness enthusiasts alike.

How to choose elliptical trainers for home

And finally, the last of the family of elliptical trainers – electromagnetic. This is the most reliable ellipsoid. It is designed according to modern standards. Completely silent during operation. It has a built-in computer that sets training modes and controls the slightest fluctuations in heart rate and weight. An excellent choice for people who constantly lead an active lifestyle and engage in sports exercises.

To successfully select an elliptical trainer, you first need to determine for yourself the frequency of its use. For infrequent exercises, a mechanical simulator is perfect. For regular and longer workouts, it is better to choose a magnetic ellipsoid. Electromagnetic elliptical trainer worth buying if you have health problems. The built-in computer allows you to train in a more gentle mode for constant control over the body.

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